Abstract The 5th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate: INDOOR AIR '90 continued a series of international scientific conferences begun in 1978 on a complex, interdisciplinary subject that is increasingly recognized to be of importance to human comfort, health, and productivity and which has important implications for building design and furnishing, office equipment, appliances, cleaning, heating, ventilating, humidifying, and air-conditioning. The 5th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate: INDOOR AIR '90, held in Toronto from July 29-August 3, 1990, had 48 national and international sponsoring agencies and associations. Eighty scientists were involved in the organization of the program and the review of some 750 abstracts and 550 papers. Nearly 5000 persons from more than 50 nations corresponded with the Conference Secretariat and some 1300 scientists, practitioners, and policy-makers from 35 nations attended. There were another 120 accompanying persons and sever...
B. Brunekreef,et al.
Health effects of indoor exposure to NO2, environmental tobacco smoke and home dampness.
E. Faragher,et al.
An investigation of the relationship between microbial and particulate indoor air pollution and the sick building syndrome.
Respiratory medicine.
B. Seifert,et al.
Regulating Indoor Air
J.David Miller,et al.
Fungi as contaminants in indoor air
L. Mølhave,et al.
Volatile Organic Compounds, Indoor Air Quality and Health
O. Valbjørn,et al.
The “sick” building syndrome in the office environment: The Danish town hall study