Development of a Protocol for Automated Glucose Measurement Transmission Used in Clinical Decision Support Systems Based on the Continua Design Guidelines

BACKGROUND A fast and accurate data transmission from glucose meter to clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) is crucial for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus since almost all therapeutic interventions are derived from glucose measurements. OBJECTIVES Aim was to develop a prototype of an automated glucose measurement transmission protocol based on the Continua Design Guidelines and to embed the protocol into a CDSS used by healthcare professionals. METHODS A literature and market research was performed to analyze the state-of-the-art and thereupon develop, integrate and validate an automated glucose measurement transmission protocol in an iterative process. RESULTS Findings from literature and market research guided towards the development of a standardized glucose measurement transmission protocol using a middleware. The interface description to communicate with the glucose meter was illustrated and embedded into a CDSS. CONCLUSION A prototype of an interoperable transmission of glucose measurements was developed and implemented in a CDSS presenting a promising way to reduce medication errors and improve user satisfaction.