Motivation -- Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a chronic condition with a high prevalence in Western countries. Unless properly managed it leads to life-threatening events, increasing disabilities, and death. Due to the essential role of lifestyle in the development of CHD, patients are in a large part able to self-manage their disease. Internet-based self-management tools and services hold the promise to support patients and their caregivers in this task.
Research approach -- This study aims to identify the needs and preferences of CHD patients in daily self-management challenges. An exploratory qualitative research method, originating from the field of product design, will be used to explore self-management needs of CHD patients. As a preparation to this study a literature study, four interviews and a pilot study were executed.
Findings/Design -- Based on the literature study and the interviews, two different research tools were designed. These tools were tested in a pilot study. From August to October inclusive the research tools will be adjusted and the study will be executed, resulting in a description of health related self-management needs for patients with CHD.
Take away message -- New opportunities for prevention of disease and health self-management arise through internet-based applications. Qualitative research methods involving patients, originating from the field of product design can contribute to the optimal development of such applications.