Electron Microprobe Analysis and Scanning Electron Microscopy in Geology: Frontmatter
This is an excellent book with an unusually extended scope that is highly recommended for all involved in electron microprobe and scanning electron microscope analysis. The book contains ten chapters encompassing: (1) An introduction to micro-beam techniques, including a brief summary of non-electron excited techniques, including PIXE, XRF, ion and laser microprobe methods (6 pp); (2) Theoretical aspects of electron excitation and X-ray production (14 pp); (3) Design details of electron-optical instrumentation (22 pp); (4) The design and operation of ED and WD X-ray spectrometers (22 pp); (5) The performance and capabilities of the scanning electron microscope with particular emphasis on recording topographic and compositional images, a chapter that is particularly well illustrated with black and white photomicrographs (31 pp);(6) Element mapping (15 pp);(7) Qualitative X-ray analysis and the i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of X-ray spec t ra (17 pp); (8) Quantitative X-ray analysis, including matrix correction procedures, light element analysis and a useful discussion of special cases including tilted and thin specimens, broad-beam and whole rock analysis, and the analysis of particles and fluid inclusions (32 pp); (9) Accuracy of X-ray analysis and factors such as surface roughness, porosity, beam damage, edge effects, the Fe valence problem that affect the interpretation of results (15 pp); (10) Specimen preparation (15 pp) and references cited (11 pp). Given the wide experience and extensive knowledge of the author, it goes without saying that this work is authoritative. However, there are several noteworthy features of this book. One is the way the treatment of the electron microprobe and scanning electron microscope are integrated, the second is the way in which theoretical aspects of instrumentation is integrated with practical applications. A third is the clarity of the text, illustrated by many line diagrams, spectral scans, black and white photomicrographs and a smaller number of colour plates. And finally the price of the paperback edition offers very good value for money. This book is aimed at geological postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers, those working in industrial laboratories as well as a basic text for those attending SEM and EMPA courses. As well as being highly recommended to all these users, established researchers will find value in the integrated approach followed in this book. In summary, a hit that is heading for the best seller list for this category of publication. P.J. Po~s