Adsorption from Multicomponent Mixtures on Heterogeneous Solid Surfaces

Experimental and theoretical studies of adsorption f rom multicomponent gas and liquid mixtures are difficult and time-consuming. In the majority of the papers concerning this problem the adsorption from binary mixtures on solid surfaces was discussed. However ' the number of papers concerning the #ds>orptic>n f rom multicomponent mixtures on solid surfaces is relatively small. They usually deal with the adsorption f r o m multicomponent mixtures on homogeneous sofid surfaces. Only a few of them are devoted to adsorption on heterogeneous solid surfaces but they concern the adsorption of gas mixtures [1-4]. In this paper the general formulation of adsorption from multicomponent gas mixtures on energetically heterogeneous surfaces [1-3] will be extended to the adsorption from multicomponent ideal liquid mixtures on soEids. In order to stress the analogy between adsorption from gas and liquid mixtures on solids, the theory being common to both phenomena will be formulated.