Codimensional surface tension flow using moving-least-squares particles

We propose a new Eulerian-Lagrangian approach to simulate the various surface tension phenomena characterized by volume, thin sheets, thin filaments, and points using Moving-Least-Squares (MLS) particles. At the center of our approach is a meshless Lagrangian description of the different types of codimensional geometries and their transitions using an MLS approximation. In particular, we differentiate the codimension-1 and codimension-2 geometries on Lagrangian MLS particles to precisely describe the evolution of thin sheets and filaments, and we discretize the codimension-0 operators on a background Cartesian grid for efficient volumetric processing. Physical forces including surface tension and pressure across different codimensions are coupled in a monolithic manner by solving one single linear system to evolve the surface-tension driven Navier-Stokes system in a complex non-manifold space. The codimensional transitions are handled explicitly by tracking a codimension number stored on each particle, which replaces the tedious meshing operators in a conventional mesh-based approach. Using the proposed framework, we simulate a broad array of visually appealing surface tension phenomena, including the fluid chain, bell, polygon, catenoid, and dripping, to demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in capturing the complex fluid characteristics with mixed codimensions, in a robust, versatile, and connectivity-free manner.

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