Diurnal variations of food consumption, plasma glucose and plasma insulin concentrations in lean and obese hyperglycaemic mice.

Diurnal variations in food consumption and plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin were determined at 3-hourly intervals in obese hyperglycaemic mice (C57BL/6J ob/ob) and lean mice (C57BL/6J+/+). In lean mice, food consumption and plasma insulin concentrations increased during the light period and were reduced during the dark period, whereas plasma glucose concentrations were maximal at the beginning of the light period and declined to a minimum during the early dark period. In ob/ob mice, the plasma glucose concentration declined temporarily at the beginning of both the light and the dark period and became elevated towards the ends of these periods, but there were no significant diurnal variations of food consumption or plasma insulin concentrations. These observations indicate differences in the diurnal regulation of glucose homeostasis in lean and ob/ob mice.