Single-actuator shunt-series RF-MEMS switch

This paper presents the design and experimental validation of a novel high isolation RF MEMS ohmic contact switch. The bending mechanics of a single cantilever beam is used to realize the typical series/shunt switch design to improve high isolation. In the OFF state the switch exhibits an isolation of 20 dB at 10 GHz and 14.7 dB at 20 GHz. When shunt contact is closed the isolation improves to 33 dB at 10 GHz and 22.3 dB at 20 GHz. In the ON state the insertion loss is 0.03 dB at 10 GHz and 0.10 dB at 20 GHz. In addition to the excellent loss/isolation performance, the switch holds great promise for improving power handling capability under hot-switching conditions.