Accurate near-surface velocity models are required to correct for shallow velocity heterogeneities that can otherwise lead to the misinterpretation of seismic data, particularly in the case of low-relief structures. Here we show how a novel uphole acquisition system utilizing distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technology can be used in a number of different ways to generate near-surface models. The novel smart DAS uphole system connects multiple shallow wells with one continuous optical fiber. The horizontal and vertical segments of the fiber allow several techniques for near-surface model building to be tested using the same system. Uphole surveys use the vertical fiber segments to make accurate, localized velocity measurements, while the directivity of the DAS fiber enables horizontal sections to be used for refraction tomography and surface-wave inversion. The smart DAS uphole acquisition system, which enables the collection of data for deep reflection imaging and near-surface characterization simultaneously, has been successfully tested for the first time. Data acquired from ten smart DAS upholes produced excellent early arrival waveform quality for picking and subsequent velocity model building. This direct velocity measurement of the near-surface can reduce uncertainty in the seismic interpretation. In addition, replacing the shallow part of the depth velocity model with the DAS uphole model resulted in significant improvements in the final depth image from topography. The directivity of DAS enables the recording of refracted events on horizontal fiber sections which have been picked as input to refraction tomography. This produces an alternative near-surface model that captures a larger volume of the subsurface. Ultimately, while the uphole velocity model is only suitable for removing long-wavelength components of near-surface variation, the refraction velocity model may allow for the correction of small-to-medium wavelength statics.
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Static Corrections for Seismic Reflection Surveys
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Subsurface Imaging Using Buried DAS and Geophone Arrays - Preliminary Results from CO2CRC Otway Project
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Smart DAS upholes for simultaneous land near-surface characterization and subsurface imaging
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Vertical Seismic Profiling Using a Fibre-optic Cable as a Distributed Acoustic Sensor
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Evaluating permanent seismic monitoring with shallow buried sensors in a desert environment
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Smart DAS uphole acquisition system for near-surface characterization and imaging
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018.
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Focus on land seismic technology: The near-surface challenge
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An image-based effective-medium modeling of near-surface anomalies
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Seismic imaging of vertical array data acquired using smart DAS uphole acquisition system
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