Prompt congestion reaction scheme for data center network using multiple congestion points

With recent advocates on end-to-end congestion control, we still observe lack of consideration of network congestion status in literature. Since end-to-end congestion control mechanisms are capable of gathering path load information through data paths, taking advantage of this information, network systems have potential capacity to react promptly in presence of congestion, especially for paths with multiple congestion points. In this paper, we design a congestion control scheme with consideration of multiple congestion points along data paths. Using an improved ECN mechanism, our scheme tunes source rate with feedbacks collecting from ECNs. We further improve our scheme with saturation detection and congestion prediction mechanisms. Simulation results show that our scheme works effectively. We evaluate our scheme and compare it with DCTCP, a recently proposed congestion control scheme for data center. In scenarios of multiple congestion points, our scheme exhibits better performance in terms of reaction time and stability.