Analysis of Car-Pedestrian Collisions Using Scaled Korean Dummy Models

According to the pedestrian protection regulations of Europe and Japan, the head injury must not exceed a limitation in the defined test condition for the protection of pedestrians from a vehicle crash. However, it is difficult to evaluate the performance of protection because each regulation has different test conditions such as dummy, impact speed and so on. This circumstance needs the development of a model that describes the anthropometry of the crash victim with a sufficient accuracy. We constructed scaled pedestrian dummies using MADYSCALE. Simulations were performed for various crash speeds and pedestrian postures. The scaled Korean dummies and HybridIII dummies were used to compare the pedestrian dynamic behaviors and head injury criteria during the collision. The HIC values of scaled korean dummies were found to be higher than those of Hybrid III dummies. The impact for gait posture was less than that for standing.