Conference Chair's Message
There are new focused problems in the 21 centuries, represented by sustainability on environment condition change by human activity or population increase in the world will not be able to neglect, because this will increases the problem effect such as energy consumption or complex society problems in the near future, and population increase will cause another problems of large elders and small children society in experience of history which is now faced by a few countries as Japan. Anyway, scientists or engineers are expected now to solve these complex problems based on advanced technologies and the some strong approach are already conducted for the future. However, these complex problems in the 21 century will not be solved by the single technology shown as the high efficiency actuator or the device, but they have to be also solved by the integration of various technologies shown as architecture development to create the new society, new co-operation between humans and machines, and new sustainability systems, etc. Under these circumstances, the system integration (SI) to look down the whole technologies is becoming a critical issue of engineering. 2009 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2009:SI International 2009) will be held as the second symposium on system integration. The system integration is one of the key technologies and the integration of hardware and software is especially important to solve the social systems and also industrial problems in new century. Especially, the symposium focuses to the new system integration research in the various fields and industrial application of system integration to make the usefulness clear in the present day or the near future, and also looks out on the approach of advanced methods to improve system integration technologies in the future.