Monolithically series-interconnected transparent modules of dye-sensitized solar cells

Abstract We have realized a new type of dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC) modules. The monolithically series interconnected structure, which is similar to the structure of amorphous silicon solar cells (SCs), was employed so that the advantages of DSCs compared to conventional silicon SCs (low costs, low energy consumption in production processes) were fully exploited. To achieve other important features of DSCs (transparency and color choice) we have developed transparent counter electrodes (CEs) composed of Pt-loaded In 2 O 3 :Sn nanoparticles and separators composed of SiO 2 nanoparticles to replace conventional non-transparent ones used in the modules. The performance of the new CEs is significantly improved to be close to those of conventional ones during electric generation operations. In all 85% of the maximal conversion efficiency was maintained after 2000 h of a durability test under 1 sun light soaking at 60 °C.