Modified DA-DWT based 3D DWT Architecture for Medical Image/Video Processing

This work explores the implementation of 3Dimentional DWT algorithm on FPGA and ASIC for video coding, several architectures have been proposed such as convolution based, lifting based and B-spline-based. Advances in medical imaging, video coding and telecommunication systems require efficient speed, resolution and real-time memory optimization with maximum hardware utilization. We propose a modified 3D DWT architecture based on 5/3 lifting scheme architecture, this filter gives better compression ratio. The architecture uses a new and fast lifting scheme which has the ability of performing progressive computations by minimizing the buffering between the decomposition levels. The architecture is modeled in verilog HDL and simulated by Modelsim. The 3D DWT architecture is synthesized in Xilinx tool and verified for the functionality. The 3D DWT has been implemented in Virtex 5 FPGA.