Economic policy and sustainable land use. Recent advances in quantitative analysis for developing countries

N. Heerink, A. Kuyvenhoven, M.S. van Wijk: Economic Policy Reforms and Sustainable Land Use in Developing Countries: Issues and Approaches.- G. Kruseman, H. van Keulen: Soil Degradation and Agricultural Production: Economic and Biophysical Approaches.- A.A. Abiye, J.B. Aune: Technical Options for Agricultural Development in the Ethiopian Highlands.- P.J. Albersen, L. Sun: Land Degradation as a Transformation Process in an Intertemporal Welfare Optimisation Framework.- B. Shiferaw, S. Holden, J. Aune: Population Pressure and Land Degradation in the Ethiopian Highlands: A Bio-Economic Model with Endogenous Soil Degradation.- B. de la Briere: Imperfect Food Markets and Household Adoption of Soil Conservation Practices in the Dominican Republic Highlands: Household Probit and Duration Models.- C.B. Romano: Soil Conservation and Imperfect Labour Markets in El Salvador: an Empirical Application of a Dynamic Control Model of Farm Production.- G. Kruseman: Assessing the Effects of Policy Measures on Household Welfare and Agro-Ecological Sustainability: an Overview of Farm Household Modelling Approaches.- T.S. Bontkes: Agricultural Prices and Land Degradation in Koutiala, Mali: a Regional Simulation Model Based on Farmers'Decision Rules.- J.M. Antle, J. Stoorvogel: Integrating Site-Specific Biophysical and Economic Models to Assess Trade-offs in Sustainable Land Use and Soil Quality.- G. Dyer, A. Yunez-Naude, J.E. Taylor: Effects of Land Degradation in a Diversified Economy with Local Staple and Labour Markets: A Village-Town CGE Analysis from Mexico.- B. Barbier: Agricultural Production and Erosion in a Small Watershed in Honduras: a Non-Linear Programming Approach.- H.G.P. Jansen, R.A. Schipper, P. Roebeling, E. Bulte, H. Hengsdijk, B.A.M. Bouman, A. Nieuwenhuyse: Alternative Approaches to the Economics of Soil Nutrient Depletion in Costa Rica: Exploratory,Predictive and Normative Bio-Economic Models.- D. Deybe: Effects of Economic Policies on Farmers, Consumers and Soil Degradation: a Recursively Dynamic Sector Model with an Application for Burkina Faso.- S. Glomsrod: Soil Degradation in Macro CGE models.- M.A. Keyzer, B.G.J.S. Sonneveld: The Effect of Soil Degradation on Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia: A Non-Parametric Regression Analysis.- F. von Benda-Beckmann: Between Free Riders and Free Raiders: Property Rights and Soil Degradation in Context.- R. Ruben, M. van den Berg, T. Shuhao: Land Rights, Farmers'Investment, and Sustainable Land Use: Modelling Approaches and Empirical Evidence.- A. Krishna, N. Uphoff: Assessing Social Factors in Sustainable Land-Use Management: Social Capital and Common Land Development in Rajasthan, India.- M. Kuiper, N. Heerink, H. van Keulen: Modelling Economic Policy Reforms and Sustainable Land Use in Developing Countries: Key Issues.