Building A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript

This article describes the context and development of A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript , a collaboratively created Wikibook edition of the sixteenth-century verse miscellany known as the Devonshire Manuscript (BL MS Add. 17,492). This project began in 2001 when Dr. Ray Siemens led a group of researchers in an exploration of how to create a digital edition of the Devonshire Manuscript. Since then, the project has transitioned through many forms and formats, and A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript is the most recent output of these academic experiments. Of note, a print version of A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript is forthcoming from Iter and Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies (MRTS). Cet article retrace le contexte et le developpement du projet A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript , consistant en l’edition electronique (Wikibook) en collaboration d’un manuscrit du XVIe siecle de melanges poetiques connu sous le nom de Devonshire Manuscript (BL MS Add. 17 492). Ce projet a ete initie en 2001, lorsque le Dr Ray Siemens a dirige un groupe de recherche explorant les possibilites de publier une edition numerique du Devonshire Manuscript. Depuis, le projet a pris plusieurs formes, et celui intitule A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript en est sa forme la plus recente issues des diverses experiences du groupe. Il doit etre souligne que A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript , sera bientot publie en version imprimee par Iter et les Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies (MRTS).