Security Improvement for Energy Harvesting Based Overlay Cognitive Networks With Jamming-Assisted Full-Duplex Destinations

This work investigates the secrecy capability of energy harvesting based overlay cognitive networks (EHOCNs). To this end, we assume that a message by a licensed transmitter is relayed by an unlicensed sender. Critically, the unlicensed sender uses energy harvested from licensed signals, enhancing the overall energy efficiency and maintaining the integrity of licensed communications. To secure messages broadcast by the unlicensed sender against the wire-tapper, full-duplex destinations – unlicensed recipient and licensed receiver – jam the eavesdropper at the same time they receive signals from the unlicensed sender. To this effect, we derive closed-form formulas for the secrecy outage probability, which then quantify the security performance of both unlicensed and licensed communications for EHOCNs with jamming-assisted full-duplex destinations, namely EHOCNwFD. In addition, optimum operating parameters are established, which can serve as essential design guidelines of such systems.