COMPASS: optimised co-modal passenger transport for reducing carbon emissions- user response to suggested ICT solutions.

This deliverable reports on the results of surveys accompanying COMPASS case studies. The analysis of a balanced set of cases in terms of topics and geographical coverage allows the discussion of the effects of different conditions existing at different urbanisation levels on proposed ICT solutions. Case studies have to build upon well researched data about user responses to proposed ITC solutions. To this effect several in-depth surveys were conducted in different setups across Europe. The following case studies have been based on surveys: O Case study 3 – Accessibility applications for disabled people. O Case study 4 - ITS solutions for Barcelona’s local bus network. O Case study 5 - Future interurban public transport in warminsko-mazurskie voivodship. O Case study 7 - Bike-sharing in Vienna and the surrounding region. O Case study 9 - Grass-root cooperative smart phone-based car-sharing. The survey methodologies depended on the needs of a particular case study. Instead of developing a one fits-all survey a tailored approach has been adopted. This was necessary due to the large difference in both the considered ICT solutions and the characteristics of the survey areas. The surveys were based on various tools: questionnaires (field work, internet based, telephone based) as well as interviews (focus groups, telephone interviews). Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were utilised. The surveys were designed to provide a maximum of information needed for each of the case studies. Hence unequal number of surveys per case study. Some of the case studies are set in wellresearched areas were much basic information was already known (e.g. London, Barcelona), while others are in peripheral and rural areas (e.g. warminsko-mazurskie, rural Austria). In the former usually only one survey was necessary in order to gather data on the specifics of considered ICTs. In the latter more data gaps had to be filled, hence more than one survey was needed. The most important information collected through surveys for each case study could be summarised as follows: O For CS 3 the user acceptance, usage and problems which can be solved with the use of specific ICT solutions directed at disabled people have been researched. O For CS 4 the user opinions on positive and negative aspects of the TMB (Barcelona’s bus operator) solutions and the willingness to pay for additional services provided through ICT have been researched. O For CS 5 the user acceptance of proposed ICT solutions for public transport, barriers to their introduction, possibilities for modal shift due to the introduction of ICTs, user willingness to pay for ICT applications, transferability potential of ICTs to rural areas have been researched. O For CS 7 user acceptance of different ICTs used for bicycle traffic and especially for bike-sharing schemes, conditions for development of bike related ICT’s and features of ICT’s which might attract more users to bike-sharing have been researched. O For CS 9 advantages and disadvantages of solutions used alongside car sharing schemes, user acceptance, interest to participate, impacts of employed solutions on user behaviours have been researched. All data gathered through the surveys has been used for the development of case studies and provides one basis for D6.2 An Assessment of the Potential Impact of ICT Solutions on a Co-Modal Transport System.