환경편익을 고려한 매립가스 자원화 사업의 경제성분석
The objectives of this study are to analyze the possibility of the landfill gas recycling for the middle and small scale landfills where the recycling facilities are not installed in Korea. It was found that the power generation plants by landfill gas were installed in domestic 15 landfills and the gas engine generation was adopted in 14 places. As the result of economic analysis, the landfill gas recycling is found to be available in 12 places and CERs of 153,693 tCO 2e can be secured per year. Through the reduction of the air pollutants and VOCs, the social benefits of 730 million won accrue per year. Also, the power production of 18.8 GWh will substitute the crude oil imports of 4,048 TOE and the revenue of 2.49 billion won is expected to power trading. It is also found that the power generation plants by landfill gas will give the social benefits such as the reduction of the environmental problems and the substitution effect of crude oil imports.