Mineral nutrient status of apple orchards in Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh
Twenty representative apple orchards of Kotkhai tehsil of Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh were surveyed for assessing their nutritional status using soil and leaf analysis. Soil analysis showed that only 15% orchards were inadequate/low in N status and all remaining macronutrients were in optimum to high range in all the orchards. The leaf analysis showed medium to high status of all the macronutrients. The coefficient of correlation (6.23−12.98 %) and leaf nutrient (6.40−16.39 %) status were low suggesting the almost equal and similar availability of nutrients. Soil and leaf N and Mg showed significantly positive relationship with fruit yield. Correlations were also significant between soil and leaf nutrients with some fruit quality characteristics. Available nutrients reflected significantly positive relationship with their respective contents in leaves. Multiple regression equation of fruit yield on leaf nutrient status showed the sensitivity of fruit yield to leaf K status.