Effect of technical and exploitation parameters of the combine harvester on energy indices during carrot roots harvesting
Effect of technical and exploitation parameters of the combine harvester on energy indices during carrot roots harvesting. The work aimed at analysis of technical and exploitation machine parameters on energy indices of tractorcombine outfi t during carrot roots harvesting. It was found that the outfi t’s ground speed, the chain web speed and the gap between separator scraper and the transverse conveyor belt had statistically signifi cant infl uence on PTO torque. An increased oil pressure at inlet of hydraulic motors driving the separator and pick-up table conveyor was proportional to the increased resistance of their motion, connected to decreasing working clearance of the separator. The effect of outfi t’s ground speed and the chain web speed on tractor engine fuel consumption was found. Neither PTO speed, hydraulic oil fl ow rate, nor the tractor drawbar force had the infl uence on the investigated factors.