Piedra in Vermont.
The occurrence of an isolated case of white piedra in Vermont seems worthy of note in view of the reported rarity of the condition in the United States. In 1951 Scott 1 reported a similar case from New York, and Burdick 2 has recently reported two more cases from New York. A white school boy of 7 years was admitted to the Dermatologic Clinic of the Burlington Free Dispensary on Oct. 15, 1953. This boy was a native of Vermont and had never lived outside the state. His parents, likewise, had never lived outside the state, nor had they traveled in endemic areas. The duration of the condition was unknown, and the boy was seen at the request of a foster mother, whose home he had recently entered. The foster mother found small white concretions attached to the hairs of the scalp and concluded that these were nits. The
[1] K. Burdick. Piedra in mother and daughter. , 1956, A.M.A. archives of dermatology.
[2] M. J. Scott. Piedra; report of a case. , 1951, A M A Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology.