Framtagning och analys av en arbetsmodell för kartläggning av användarbehov
This study began with a mission statement from the firm Tobii Technology AB to identify customer needs in the relatively new and rapidly growing market for eye tracking analysis. After consuling external experts, the authors however found that the availability of previous academic published market studies of new and fast growing markets was poor. Therefore a decision was made to execute the task and at the same time create a methadology for future studies in this area. The identification of customer needs, which formed the basis of the insights and analysis, led to frequent discussions between the authors and the firm's supervisors. This resulted in a project plan and a decision that an iterative model would be used, were earlier decisions would be questioned and refined throughout the project. This iterative approach was chosen in the light of the uncertainties that accompany a project carried out in unfamiliar territory.The project, conducted at the premises of the company, was largely aimed at collecting data from various sources, compile these and then draw conclusions about the collected information. These results and conclusions, then recombined to form a strategy for the company, were both linked to product and business improvements. The report focused a lot on thel the analysis and reflections during the project, in which the methodologies were used and evaluated in detail. Extra large space was given to analyze how well the model Quality Function Deployment (QFD) works in this type of project, a model that was widely used in the final stages of the project when all the collected data would be combined. Analyses of these results and insights helped to shape the methodology that can be recommended to be used in future project of this nature.