Design of optimized fuzzy model-based controller for nonlinear systems using hybrid intelligent strategies

This paper introduces three hybrid methods for the generation and optimization of rules and membership functions of a fuzzy logic controller for nonlinear systems. The proposed methods overcome the deficiency of a systematic approach for optimal design of fuzzy controllers. An optimally designed fuzzy logic controller should have the least number of fuzzy variables and fuzzy rules and the best possible configuration of fuzzy rules in the rule table. The first strategy of this paper is a two-phase optimization problem: in the first phase, the number of fuzzy variables and their arrangement in the rule table are optimized by a genetic algorithm; in the second phase, the parameters of the membership functions are optimized via extended Kalman filtering. The second strategy tries to achieve the goals of the first method all in one phase by modifying the chromosome structure of the genetic algorithm. Then in the next step, a local search algorithm is utilized to improve the obtained results. The third strategy is similar to the second strategy in structure. However, along with optimizing the number of fuzzy variables and membership parameters, the number of fuzzy rules is also optimized. The first and second strategies are obliged to use every possible combination of fuzzy variables in the rule table; however, the third strategy is capable of distinguishing between useful and useless fuzzy rules in the rule table. The introduced strategies are applied to an automotive cruise control system. The results of the simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed methods and the superiority of the latter approaches over the former ones.

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