Electrical and electronic plastics waste co-combustion with municipal solid waste for energy recovery
The recovery or disposal of end-of-life electrical and electronic (E+E) equipment is receiving considerable attention from industry organisations such as APME in order to supply factual information which can be used in the development of a clear industry strategy. It is hoped that such information will persuade EU member states to define the best management practices for this waste stream. One of the difficulties regarding the recovery or disposal of E+E waste is a lack of data regarding its behaviour when incinerated. This lack of data has led to unfounded conclusions by sonic parties that plastic wastes contain harmful halogenated species which are difficult to treat and remove, and when incinerated contribute to the emission of halogenated species and are responsible for the major portion of emissions. APME has a comprehensive testing program investigating the impact of plastics on municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration. APME`s previous work has demonstrated the positive, beneficial effects of mixed waste plastics in the MSW energy recovery process as well as studying halogen behaviour during the combustion of packaging plastics waste and construction foam from the building industry. The current study was designed to evaluate the incineration of MSW containing typical levels of electrical andmore » electronic (E+E) plastic waste, as well as MSW containing E+E waste in amounts up to 12%.« less