Optimization of Refueling Scheme of Fast Reactor Core by Means of Man Machine Interactive Method

A computer system for performing quick survey and optimization has been developed to aid in-core fuel management of sodium cooled fast reactors. The method utilizes the conversational mode of computer operation, to perform on-line computation, display of results and acceptance of commands, thus permitting rapid exchange of information between the machine and the person in charge. To improve the overall efficiency of the system as problem-solver, an algorithm is introduced to provide for automated shuffling to determine the fuel loading patterns of successive cycles. This algorithm serves to model the refueling and shuffling arrangement after a prescribed optimized standard core pattern according to the extent of burnup of each fuel sub-assembly. The proposed system is applied to problems of: (1) straightforward simulation of fuel performance in given in-core fuel management programs, covering core and radial blanket refueling and control rod positioning, (2) optimization, and (3) modification of in-core f...