Conditioned stochastic differential equations: theory, examples and application to finance

Abstract We generalize the notion of Brownian bridge. More precisely, we study a standard Brownian motion for which a certain functional is conditioned to follow a given law. Such processes appear as weak solutions of stochastic differential equations that we call conditioned stochastic differential equations. The link with the theory of initial enlargement of filtration is made and after a general presentation several examples are studied: the conditioning of a standard Brownian motion (and more generally of a Markov diffusion) by its value at a given date, the conditioning of a geometric Brownian motion with negative drift by its quadratic variation and finally the conditioning of a standard Brownian motion by its first hitting time of a given level. As an application, we introduce the notion of weak information on a complete market, and we give a “quantitative” value to this weak information.

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