A design for the repair of unilateral cleft lips.
the cIeft to restore symmetry and aIso preserved a full Cupid’s bow. Marcks and co-workers, in 1953, reported excehent resuIts using simiIar technics. In 1955 Millard [j] presented a new design for this type of repair. He employed curved incisions corresponding to the caIcuIated phiItrum Iine on the cleft side and added length to this side of the lip by extending the media1 incision underneath the coIumeIIa so that the entire central part of the Iip was brought down to the correct IeveI. I have used these two methods in cases of uniIatera1 cleft lips with varying degrees of deformity, and the operative results with both methods have been very satisfying, particuIarIy in incomplete cIefts. The former method, however, involved considerabIe sacrifice of tissue in complete cIefts, and using the Millard technic I found it diffxcult to avoid retraction of the scar line at the vermiIion border. Based upon this experience a repair was designed which used two flaps for eIongation of the cleft B
[1] K. Marcks,et al. FURTHER OBSERVATION IN CLEFT LIP REPAIR , 1953, Plastic and reconstructive surgery.
[2] C. Tennison. THE REPAIR OF THE UNILATERAL CLEFT LIP BY THE STENCIL METHOD , 1952, Plastic and reconstructive surgery.