Hierarchical Similarity Learning for Language-Based Product Image Retrieval

This paper aims for the language-based product image retrieval task. The majority of previous works have made significant progress by designing network structure, similarity measurement, and loss function. However, they typically perform vision-text matching at certain granularity regardless of the intrinsic multiple granularities of images. In this paper, we focus on the cross-modal similarity measurement, and propose a novel Hierarchical Similarity Learning (HSL) network. HSL first learns multi-level representations of input data by stacked encoders, and object-granularity similarity and image-granularity similarity are computed at each level. All the similarities are combined as the final hierarchical cross-modal similarity. Experiments on a large-scale product retrieval dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. Code and data are available at https://github.com/liufh1/hsl.

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