Insect Emergence Data from Four Small Lakes in the South and Southwest of Ireland
ABSTRACf Emerging insects from four small lakes in Counties Cork and Kerry were captured using floating Mundie emergence traps during the period" from late April to early November 1969. The data obtained are examined to provide information on distribution, emergence periods and seasonal fluctuations in numbers of insects present. The traps were serviced at weekly intervals and the weekly maximum/minimum temperature fluctuation was observed. Chironomids were the· dominant forms emerging during the period of investigation, 51 species were recorded but only five were present in significant numbers; 19 Trichopteran species were taken, but only four in significant numbers; one species each of Chaoboridae and Ephemeroptera was taken. There does not appear to' be a direct correlation between high temperatures and' peak emergence within the Chir~ onomidae, however the peak emergence of Chaoborus flavican.\' in Lough Avaul coincides with the maximum temperature recorded (l5 Q