Novel anisotropic continuum-discrete damage model capable of representing localized failure. Part I: theoretic formulation and numerical implementation

Purpose In this work, we present a finite element model capable of describing both the diffuse damage mechanism which develops first during the loading of massive brittle structures and the failure process essentially due to the propagation of a macro-crack responsible for the softening behaviour of the structure. Design/methodology/approach This is achieved by activating subsequently diffuse and localized damage mechanisms. Localized phenomena are taken into account by means of the introduction of a displacement discontinuity at the element level. We present here the theoretical developments for such a model considering an isotropic damage model for the continuum and a Coulomb-type criterion for the localized part. Findings We present here the theoretical developments for such a model considering an isotropic damage model for the continuum and a Coulomb-type criterion for the localized part. Original/value of the paper In this work, we present a new way for constructing an anisotropic damage model, which is not carried out locally at a stress point but rather at the level of the element. This is achieved by a combination of a continuum damage model and a discrete damage model. Anisotropy is introduced by the discrete damage mechanisms taken into account on a displacement discontinuity line. In addition, the presented model has shown promising results for complex loadings by using only few parameters. Research limitations/implications The proposed work only describe a numerical methodology for taking into account, independently of the discretization, damage mechanisms. The damage models

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