Spatial autocorrelation of individual tree characteristics in loblolly pine stands

Mathematical methods of assessing the levels of spatial autocorrelation in forest stands were identified. These methods were used to investigate spatial autocorrelation associated with tree characteristics such as product, defect, species class, and basal area. With the exception of the species classification, significant levels of spatial autocorrelation were not associated with any discrete variable. For individual tree basal area, the levels of spatial autocorrelation tended to be positive for low levels of competition, negative at intermediate levels of competition, and positive again at high levels of competition. Using measures of spatial autocorrelation, characteristics were assigned to individual trees in computer generated stands. These methods, applicable for discrete or continuous characteristics, assign the characteristics to individual trees depending on the spatial location of the individual tree and characteristics of its neighbors. FOREST SCl. 31:5 7 5-5 8 7. ADDITIONAL