The cloning and mapping of ADR6, a gene required for sporulation and for expression of the alcohol dehydrogenase II isozyme from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

The alcohol dehydrogenase II (ADH2) gene of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is not transcribed during growth on fermentable carbon sources such as glucose. Growth of yeast cells in a medium containing only nonfermentable carbon sources leads to a marked increase or derepression of ADH2 expression. The recessive mutation, adr6-1, leads to an inability to fully derepress ADH2 expression and to an inability to sporulate. The ADR6 gene product appears to act directly or indirectly on ADH2 sequences 3' to or including the presumptive TATAA box. The upstream activating sequence (UAS) located 5' to the TATAA box is not required for the Adr6- phenotype. Here, we describe the isolation of a recombinant plasmid containing the wild-type ADR6 gene. ADR6 codes for a 4.4-kb RNA which is present during growth both on glucose and on nonfermentable carbon sources. Disruption of the ADR6 transcription unit led to viable cells with decreased ADHII activity and an inability to sporulate. This indicates that both phenotypes result from mutations within a single gene and that the adr6-1 allele was representative of mutations at this locus. The ADR6 gene mapped to the left arm of chromosome XVI at a site 18 centimorgans from the centromere.