컨테이너 크레인의 풍압실험

A pressure model test was performed to estimate static wind load distributions on the crane. The purpose of the test is two folds. One is to obtain an wind loading data for finite element structural analysis of the crane and the other is to provide surface pressure data for computational fluid dynamics modeling study. The 1:70 scale pressure model was used for several wind directions at simulated atmospheric boundary layers in a wind tunnel. A total of 464 pressure taps were used. They are almost uniformly distributed over the surface in order to study static wind loading on local components as well as an entire model. In order to estimate the wind load over a surface from the measured pressures at local points, correlations were investigated between the local value and the area-averaged value using a supplementary simple prismatic model. Some modeling issues including Reynolds number effects and a tubing system design for the model having slender bodies and fine structures are discussed.