'WearCam' (The wearable camera): personal imaging systems for long-term use in wearable tetherless computer-mediated reality and personal photo/videographic memory prosthesis

The purpose of this paper is to disclose the operational principles of 'WearCam', the basis for wearable tetherless computer-mediated reality both in its idealized form, as well as in some practical embodiments of the invention, including one of its latest embodiments. The specific inner workings of WearCam, in particular; details of its optical arrangement, have not previously been disclosed, other than by allowing a small number of individuals to look inside the glasses. General considerations, background, and relevant findings, in the area of long-term use of wearable, tetherless computer-mediated reality are also presented. Some general insight (arising from having designed and built more than 100 different kinds of personal imaging systems over the last 20 years) is also provided. Unlike the artificiality of many controlled laboratory experiments, much of the insight gained from these experiences relates to the natural complexity of real-life situations.