The long-term evolution of Cantabrian mountain landscapes and its possible role in the capercaillie drama

Within the Iberian Peninsula, at the south-western boundary of its distribution area, the capercaillie is restricted to the Cantabrian and the Pyrenean Mountains. Cantabrian capercaillie Tetrao urogallus cantabricus has undergone a dramatic decline during the last three decades, as reported in the last Iberian Survey (Robles et al. 2006) and in previous issues of Grouse News (Bafiuelos et al., 2004, 2008). As a consequence, it is currently the only subspecies of capercaillie critically threatened worldwide. Although considerable efforts have been made to understand the reasons of this decline, the long-term ecology of this subspecies has received little attention, due probably to the absence of data in the palaeozoological records. Nevertheless, palaeoecological information based on their habitats can provide a useful insight that in the case of the Cantabrian Mountains offers a large body of data that covers the forest history of the last thousands of years.