Intending contributors to this column should consult the Instructions for Authors in part 1 of this volume, and should address their contributions to the column editor. 1. Campylopus pilifer var. lamellatus (Mont.) Gradst. & Sipman Contributors: Guillermo M. Suárez and Marı́a M. Schiavone Argentina: SALTA. Depto. Orán, Bosque Montano con abundante Podocarpus sp., sobre talud rocoso, 23u049S, 64u509W, 1650–1700 m a.s.l., 24 November 1999, leg. M. Schiavone, B. Biasuso & S. Churchill 3718 (LIL). JUJUY. Depto. Ledesma, Parque Nacional Calilegua, El Monolito, Bosque Montano con abundantes ‘alisos’, sobre talud rocoso, 23u409S, 64u549W, 1721 m a.s.l., 29 May 2007, leg. M. Schiavone 3370 (LIL). Campylopus pilifer var. lamellatus (Mont.) Gradst. & Sipman has a trans-Atlantic distribution, recorded from Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, and also in tropical Africa (where it was described as C. introflexus var. altecristatus (Renauld & Cardot) Thér.) (Frahm, 1991). Churchill & Linares (1995) suggest that this variety possibly occurs in Colombia along the Andean corridor. In Argentina it grows in the upper montane forest between 1650 and 1750 m a.s.l, on rocky, exposed banks, together with Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw. These new records for Argentina represent the southernmost limit of the known distribution for this variety. Var. lamellatus differs from var. pilifer by the lamellae on the dorsal side of the costa, which are 5–6(27) cells high. In the type variety these lamellae reach only 3–4 cells high. 2. Campylopus trivialis Müll. Hal. ex E. Britton Contributors: Guillermo M. Suárez and Marı́a M. Schiavone Argentina: JUJUY. Depto. Ledesma, Parque Nacional Calilegua, El Monolito, Bosque Montano con abundantes ‘alisos’, sobre talud rocoso, 23u409S, 64u549W, 1721 m a.s.l., 29 May 2007, leg. M. Schiavone 3371 (LIL). During the revision of samples collected recently in the Calilegua National Park (Jujuy Province) certain plants were identified as Campylopus trivialis Müll. Hal. ex E. Britton, a species not previously reported from northwestern Argentina. Campylopus trivialis is frequent in tropical and subtropical areas of America. It grows in high alpine regions from Costa Rica to Bolivia (Churchill & Linares, 1995; Frahm, 1986, 1991; Menzel, 1986) through the Andean corridor. It is rarely found at low elevations, reaching 3000 and 4900 m a.s.l. in Bolivia (Frahm, 1991). In the northwest of Argentina it occurs in the mountain forests on rocks in exposed banks between 1700 and 1800 m a.s.l. 3. Encalypta microstoma Bals.-Criv. & De Not Contributors: James H. Dickson and Diana Horton Italy: ÖTZTAL ALPS, SE facing slope behind the Similaun Hut, 3050 m a.s.l., 7 July 1994, leg. J. Dickson s.n. (IB). JHD collected a small fruiting specimen from a rock crevice at about 3050 m on the steep, southeast-facing slope immediately behind the Similaun Hut at 3019 m only a short way inside Italy in the Ötztal Alps. In the nival zone, this discovery is about 350 m above the previous highest record from the Austrian mountains (Grims, 1999) and several hundred meters above the highest from the Italian mountains (Schumacher et al., 1999). However, it is about 40 m lower than the highest record from Switzerland (Online Atlas of Swiss Bryophytes). The identity having been confirmed by DH, the specimen, a new altitudinal record for Italy, is lodged in the herbarium of the Botanical Institute, University of Innsbruck. 4. Fissidens sublimbatus Grout Contributors: C. Lobo, S. Fontinha, L. Luis and M. SimSim Portugal, Madeira Region: SELVAGENS ARCHIPELAGO: Selvagem Grande, Pico dos Tornozelos, North and Northeast side on rock cracks and under the rocks on coastal exposed areas, 30u08954.4850N, 15u51957.0790W, ca 136 m a.s.l., 30 April 2005, leg. I. Silva s.n. (LISU); Selvagem Grande, plateau between Pico dos Tornozelos and Pico Atalaia, exposed, dry and rocky areas, 30u08954.5810N, 15u52909.7720W, ca 100 m a.s.l., 6 August 2008, leg. S. Fontinha & M. Sim-Sim s.n. (LISU). Fissidens sublimbatus Grout shows an American– Macaronesian/N African disjunction. It occurs in western North America and in Argentina, whereas east of the Atlantic it has been recorded from the Canary Islands and from Morocco (Ros et al., 2001, Pursell, 2004). Fissidens sublimbatus is here newly recorded for the Selvagens Archipelago and the Madeira region. It was collected in two localities on Selvagem Grande Island, namely Pico dos Tornozelos and the plateau between Pico dos Tornozelos and Pico Atalaia. This moss was found growing in coastal areas on calcareous soil, under rocks and in rock crevices in very dry and exposed conditions. It occured in association Journal of Bryology (2010) 32: 232–241
Jana Frahm.
Dicranaceae: Campylopodioideae, Paraleucobryoideae
Cecília Sérgio,et al.
The 2006 Red List and an updated checklist of bryophytes of the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal, Spain and Andorra)
C. Sérgio,et al.
Entosthodon mouretii (Corb.) Jelenc new to Europe
William R. Buck,et al.
Conspectus Bryophytorum Orientalum et Arabicorum
P. Pérez,et al.
Contribución a la brioflora del Pirineo aragonés
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Briología.
H. Kürschner.
Biogeography of South-West Asian Bryophytes – With Special Emphasis on the Tropical Element
W. Schofield.
Bryology in arctic and boreal North America and Greenland
R. Zander.
The Bryophyte Flora of Israel and Adjacent Regions
H. Kürschner,et al.
The Grimmietum commutato-campestris in Turkey. Ecology and life syndromes of a saxicolous bryophyte community with the description of two new subassociations
T. Pócs,et al.
The Moss Adelothecium bogotense in Continental Africa, with a Review of Its World Range
H. Kürschner,et al.
Orthotrichum sprucei Mont. (Orthotrichaceae, Musei), new to the moss flora of Turkey
Nova Hedwigia.
M. Kirmaci,et al.
The Bryophyte Flora of Honaz Mountain (Denizli/Turkey)
J. Frahm,et al.
The Liverworts, Mosses and Ferns of Europe
Louis Thouvenot.
Entosthodon mouretii (Funariaceae, Musci), nouveau pour la bryoflore de la France
A. Elvebakk,et al.
A catalogue of Svalbard plants, fungi, algae and cyanobacteria. Part 2. Bryophytes
D. Quandt,et al.
When morphology and molecules tell us different stories: a case-in-point with Leptodon corsicus, a new and unique endemic moss species from Corsica
A. Smith.
The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland
N. Hodgetts,et al.
Bryophytes collected in Lesotho, the Natal Drakensberg and the Orange Free State, southern Africa
B. Papp,et al.
New and noteworthy bryophyte records from Montenegro and Serbia
H. Kürschner,et al.
Bryophytes of Turkey: An Annotated Reference List of the Species with Synonyms from the Recent Literature and an Annotated List of Turkish Bryological Literature
R. Pursell,et al.
Fissidens sublimbatus, New to Morocco and the Canary Islands
J. Patiño,et al.
Bryophyte flora of the Canary Islands : an updated compilation of the species list with an analysis of distribution patterns in the context of the Macaronesian Region
H. Kürschner,et al.
Orthotrichum rivulare Turn. (Orthotrichaceae, Bryopsida), a hygrophytic species new to the bryophyte flora of Turkey and Southwest-Asia
N. Slack.
Distribution, Ecological Amplitude, and Phytosociological Characterization of European Bryophytes
C. Sérgio,et al.
A new important Mediterranean area for bryophytes in Portugal: Barrancos (Baixo Alentejo)
R. Garilleti,et al.
Orthotrichum shawii Wilson, a distinct European species
B. O'shea.
Checklist of the mosses of sub-Saharan Africa
M. Aleffi,et al.
The bryophyte flora of the Gran Paradiso National Park (Aosta Valley and Piedmont, Italy) and its immediate surroundings: a synthesis
H. Kürschner,et al.
The Mannio-Exormothecetum pustulosae ass. nov., a xerophytic bryophyte community from Madeira and the Canary Islands/Macaronesia
M. Menzel.
Studies on Peruvian Bryophytes. I: A recent collection of mosses from the forests and general distributional notes
H. Kürschner,et al.
Orthotrichum leblebicii sp. nov. (Orthotrichaceae, Bryopsida), and two further new epiphytic Orthotrichum records from southern Turkey
J. Frahm.
New Campylopus records for Central and South America. III: with the description of Campylopus cleefii J.-P. Frahm spec. nov. and C. longicellularis J.P. Frahm spec. nov. from Colombia