A proposal of quality indicators to self-assessment and accreditation of undergraduate programs in management

The objective of this article is to analyze the 183 quality indicators established by the National Accreditation Committee (Consejo Nacional de Acreditacion) of Colombia, and to proposemore relevant, essential or crucial indicators using Atlas Ti5. Three hermeneutic units were used to get a typology of 11 indicators with the most indicative power to evaluate undergraduate programs. The analysis was made using the reports generated by tools such as Word Cruncher, Filter, Object Crawler, Query Tool, Coding Analyzer and Networks. As a relevant conclusion of this study, the 11 proposed indicators have themost indicative power, and are considered more friendly than the183 indicators from the National Accreditation Committee to write self-evaluation reports, and to improve the quality of tertiary education. © 2013 Universidad ICESI. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Proposta de indicadores de qualidade para a auto-avaliacao e acreditacao de programas universitarios em administracao