Manejo da requeima do tomateiro industrial empregando sistema de previsão

Three experiments were carried out using an industrial tomato hybrid H 7155N crop, in 2003 and 2004 seasons to fit a modified prediction system, which allows the criterious use of fungicides for the control of late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans. Trials were conducted in a randomized complete block design with ten treatments and three replications. The formulated systemic fungicides were applied when the disease severity values (DSV) reached eight, ten or twelve points. On weeks where DSV's values were lower than eight, ten or twelve, metiram was applied. The traditional late blight control consisted of weekly application of fungicides after the first symptoms disease, and those defined by the prediction system were carried out based on the DSV's accumulated throughout the experiment. Late blight severity was assessed weekly by using a descriptive key and diagrammatic scale. The efficiency of the control treatments was compared by the area under the disease progress curve, disease progress rate (r) and tomato yield. The r values of the best treatment (dimethomorph + chlorothalonil, DSV = 10, alternated with metiram), weekly application calendar fungicides and the check treatment varied from 0.03 to 0.07, 0.05 to 0.09 and 0.24 to 0.39, respectively. Dimethomorph + chlorothalonil DSV = 10 alternated with metiram was the most efficient and yielded more than 15,7 ton of tomato in average, above the weekly spraying calendar fungicides. Dimethomorph or metalaxyl-M mixtured with chlorothalonil (DSV = 10) based on the prediction scheme without alternation with metiram differed from the weekly spraying calendar fungicide based on disease severity and tomato yield. The treatments pyraclostrobim + metiram (DSV = 8; DSV = 10) alternated with metiram; dimethomorph + mancozeb (DSV = 8; DSV = 10) alternated with metiram gave intermediate control of late blight and tomato yield. The prediction scheme that used dimethomorph + chlorothalonil alternated with metiram (DSV = 10) allowed the reduction in one spray in two trials of the mixture dimethomorph + chlorothalonil compared to the weekly spraying calendar fungicide without any yield loss.