Fracture assessment of U-notches under three point bending by means of local energy density

Abstract The main purpose of the paper is twofold. First, to provide a new set of experimental results on fracture of U-notched samples, made of two different materials; second, to apply a fracture criterion based on the strain energy density (SED) averaged over a control volume to assess the fracture load of blunt-notched components under three point bending. Two different materials are considered in the tests: a composite material (Al–15%SiC) tested at room temperature and a steel with a ferritic–pearlitic structure tested at −40 °C. All samples are weakened by U-notches characterized by different values of notch root radius and notch depth. The theoretical loads to failure as determined according to the SED criterion are compared with the experimental data from more than 40 static tests and with a SED-based scatter band recently reported in the literature for a number of materials exhibiting a brittle behaviour under static loads.

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