ERP in Semi-Process: Requirements Capture for Tracking and Tracing.
Tracking and tracing has got the interest of ERP vendors. Tracking and tracing is concerned with the monitoring and registering of data on goods in the supply chain and the reconstruction of product history. Incorporating tracking and tracing functionality in ERP software is of particular interest to vendors. Amongst others, tracking and tracing enables ERP customers to optimize process performance with respect to recall management and may also offer better protection against product liability. This paper focuses particularly on tracking and tracing in semi-process industry. A description is given of the functional requirements for tracking and tracing, derived from ERP customers in the Netherlands. Some reference structures are generated to extend existing ERP data models with. Surprisingly, from these structures, a design pattern emerges. Illustrative hereof is the modeling of the bill-of-lots and the bill-of-batches: analogous to the bill-of-materials.