How people evaluate others in organizations

Contents: E.A. Fleishman, Series Foreword. Preface. Part I:Social Cognition and Person Perception. R.J. Klimoski, L.M. Donahue, Person Perception in Organizations: An Overview of the Field. D. Operario, S.T. Fiske, Causes and Consequences of Stereotypes in Organizations. Part II:Selection. C.K. Parsons, R.C. Liden, T.N. Bauer, Person Perception in Employment Interviews. V.I. Sessa, Executive Promotion and Selection. P.R. Sackett, K.A. Tuzinski, The Role of Dimensions and Exercises in Assessment Center Judgments. Part III:Appraisal. J.L. Barnes-Farrell, Performance Appraisal: Person Perception Processes and Challenges. M.K. Mount, S.E. Scullen, Multisource Feedback Ratings: What Do They Really Measure? Part IV:Developmental Processes. D.J. Brown, R.G. Lord, Leadership and Perceiver Cognition: Moving Beyond First Order Constructs. K. Kraiger, H. Aguinis, Training Effectiveness: Assessing Training Needs, Motivation, and Accomplishments. J.W. Smither, S.P. Reilly, Coaching in Organizations. Z. Strassberg, Understanding, Assessing, and Intervening With Problem Employees. Part V:Interpersonal Interactions. S. Raghuram, Cultural Frames and Values Affecting Employment Practices. J.T. Casey, Frame Attribution and Positional Framing in Negotiation. S.M. Fiore, E. Salas, J.A. Cannon-Bowers, Group Dynamics and Shared Mental Model Development. B.J. Avolio, S. Kahai, R. Dumdum, N. Sivasubramaniam, Virtual Teams: Implications for E-Leadership and Team Development. M. London, Conclusion: Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of Person Perception in Organizations.