Homologous large‐scale activity in solar eruptive events of 24–26 November 2000

[1] We study large-scale activity on the solar disk associated with a 24–26 November 2000 series of six recurrent major flares and “halo” coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The analysis is based mainly on the SOHO/EIT data, particularly by using properly rotated difference full-disk images with 12-min intervals at 195 A as well as with 6-hour intervals at 171, 195, 284, and 304 A. We demonstrate that these eruptive events were homologous not only by their flare and CME characteristics, as Nitta and Hudson [2001] showed, but also in terms of their large-scale CME-associated manifestations in the EUV corona. These include long and narrow channeled dimmings, some transequatorial; anisotropic coronal waves, propagating in a restricted angular sector; and additional quasi-stationary emitting fronts. As a whole, in all of these six events, the homologous CME-associated disturbances covered a considerable portion of the solar disk. The homology tendency appears to be due to significant disturbance, partial eruption, and relatively fast restoration of the same large-scale structures involved in the repeating CME events. We briefly discuss the implications of the analysis in connection with the nature of coronal equilibrium.

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