[Health Behavior in a population with HIV/Aids].

This is a descriptive exploratory research, with quantitative approach and transversal cut. The purpose was to identify behaviors in aged population HIV/Aids infected and also to analyze association with sex. Regarding the content, a tested and validated instrument was used. The variables were analyzed with qui-square and Fisher test. A hundred and nine individuals were interviewed. The results revealed them as sexually active (57,8%), heterosexual (85,5%), with fix partner (66,1%). They reported difficulty in using condoms (22,2% of men) due to erection issues; 97,2% referred not using drugs for sexual stimulation; 90, 8% of them reported not having used protection in sexual relations before being aware of the infection. It was concluded that the population were sexually active, and that they started using protection, in their sexual relations, after awareness of the infection.