The Menstrual Cycle and Suicide

of the compounds which we have tested are known to induce analgesia, therefore, their point on that subject is irrelevant to our work. We feel that a test such as ours can only be evaluated in terms of its results and their correlation with known human data. Shulgin (1970) has confirmed our human predictions (Smythies ci at., 1967b) for the activity of the amphetamine series, and Snyder ci at. (1967) have produceddataidentical toours(Beatonciat.,ig6g) for humans with DOM. Webster (1971) has replicated our baselineprofiles forratsand has recentlycom pleted a collaborative study on the effects of d amphetamine on guinea pigs and rats (Beaton ci at., 197'). The results of this study replicated our previous findings across species.