대학 캠퍼스 공간관리업무 현황분석에 따른 정보화에 관한 연구

For domestic university, it is a means to introduce the information technology to overcome the difficult circumstances of management in university. This information technology focused on the standardization of business process and its data and information and carried out by national strategy. On this point of view, this study aims to suggest a basic direction of information technology for the business of space management by analyzing the present state of space management for domestic university such as the main contents of it and space chargeback system etc. This purpose concretely focused on the standardization of business process and data for space management. Standardizing the business process of space management is the problem to support business departments of university mutually and the data of space management is to conceptualize and define the data to be reproduced. It will be needed to study additionally on the standardization of business process and data for space management to apply it to each university for the customization considering present circumstances.