Erratum to “Reactivity of concurrent verbal reporting in second language writing” [J. Second Lang. Writ. 24 (2014) 51–70]

The authors regret that three errors have occurred in their paper. They are as follows:p. 58, Footnote 6:Original: A ratio index was calculated by dividing the number of T-units in the participant’s essay by the totalinstances of reason roughly identified.Corrected: A ratio indexwas calculated by dividing the total instances of reason roughly identified in a participant’sessay by its total number of T-units coded.p. 59, Line 13:Original: An ultimate reliability rate of .932 was achieved.Corrected: An ultimate reliability rate of .932 was achieved after discussions and some rescoring.p. 63, The 11th line of the third paragraph:Original: were (in: Even when relevant metacognitive knowledge were retrieved).Corrected: was.The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.