Via-Stubs forSignal Integri'ty Improvement intheSemiconductor Test Board

Inthis paper, aresistive termination ofvia-stubs is via-stub (4). Butbecause ofthehighcost process, these are proposed fortheimprovements ofsignal integrity (SI) inthe notutilized widely. mdulti-layesred semLiconductor testboard.In current Inthispaper, toreduce via-stub effect, theresistively- semiconductor test boards, astheresonance modeexcited bythe openvia-stub, unused portion ofplated through holes awm terminated (R-terminated) via-stubs areproposed. Inthe results inSI degradation. Resistively-terminated via-stubsproposed structure, thechip resistors areusedonthebottom improve SIbyreducing thevia-stub effect causing theroundedlayer toterminate thevia-stub totheground plane. TheR- digital pulse edgeintimedomain. Theproposed structureterminated via-stub lowers thequality factor (Qfactor) ofthe achieves theshortened transition time(Tr/Tt) andenhancedhigh-Q via-stub resonator with series resistance which reduces timing jitter. Itisexpected toextend themaximumpracticable datarateofthesemiconductor test boardwiththeproposedcacitive loading effect. Theinserton loSS isflatened toa structure. relatively lower level, andthedigital pulse edge issharpened Index, Ters - Automatic testequipment (ATE), signalforfast transition time. Asaresult, thesignal integrity (SI) can integrity (SI), multi-layered printed circuit board(VLPCB), via- be improved by theR-terninated via-stub in the stub semiconductor testboard application wherethetest driving voltage isadjustable asoccasion demands. Withtheproposed I.INTRODUCTION structure, itisexpected toextend themaximumoperable data rate inthetest board application. Itiscrucial process, throughout anewproduct's life cycle,