Literary Communication and Existential Formula in Epic Addressing

The study is circumscribed to theory of literary communication and highlights the fact that there are different dedicated formulas of epic addressing. The existential formula joints in epic addressing are examined. As an example, we use Gabriel Chifuřs novel, "Story of my Death". First, it appears that this novel belongs to a thematic topology whose axes are are also found in books by Lev Tolstoy, AP Chekhov, J. L. Borges or F. Kafka. Later it is made visible that the differentiating contribution of Gabriel Chifuřs epic work lies in making clear from death an event of life and to show that, whenever it occurs, death captures as the ultimate existential event, catching the man, however, unprepared. Existential formula in epic addressing consists of understanding that the stake of death is the assumed life as unique experience.