스코어 기반 관측신뢰도를 이용한 잡음환경하 화자식별

The performance of speaker identification is severely degraded in noisy environments. Recently probability weighting method based on observation membership was proposed for overcoming the noise problem[1]. In the paper[1] the observation confidence was calculated from SNR with sigmoid function. However, estimating SNR needs additive calculation amount and estimated SNR is corrupted in dynamic noisy environments. In this paper we propose estimation methods of the observation confidence based on score-based reliabilities (SBR) of entropy and dispersion measures. Generally SBRs are obtained from speaker models' probabilities. The proposed methods are evaluated with ETRI speaker recognition DB. We compared the performances of the proposed methods with those in [1][8]. The experimental results show that the proposed methods can be successfully applied for the case where SNR is not available.